Macedonian radio and TV - One of the first on the Balkans

Pioneers in technology

Color signal in Skopje, befor Belgrade. Champions move. In the meanwhile they have got better than us, but it is what it is. Velenovela for the beginnings of MRTV.

Премиера на концептуалниот театарски перформанс „Супер Марио живее У Скопје“

Во понеделник, на 18.11 во Театар на сенки и облаци ќе се оддржи премиерата на концептуалниот театарски перформанс "Супер Марио живее у Скопје".

Краткото театарско парче кое е наменето за деца и младинци ги обработува меѓучовечките односи преку мотиви на ликовите од култната видео игра Супер Марио. Автор на репликите и концептот е Никола Кузелов, но актерите сепак голем дел од својата игра ќе ја базираат на импровизации и комуникација со гледачите. 
Во театарскиот перформанс ќе учествуваат Ања Митиќ, Никола Кузелов, Нела Павловска и Виктор Велевски. Авторите велат дека иако станува збор за тетар наменет за помладите, сепак добродојдена е публика од сите возрасти бидејќи перформансот обработува теми важни се секоја индивидуа. 
Проектот е финансиран од Министерството за култура и туризам на Северна Македонија.

French revolution with Iceland's taste

The volcano that changed the world

Is it possible that a volcano eruption caused the French revolution? I didn't believe it as well. Velenovela today climbs on the volcanoes of revolution.

Gjurchin Kokale - the Starman from Lazaropole

The biggest defender of the Mijak's region

This episode speaks about the biggest hotshot from my village. Watch Velenovela, and find out who is Gjurchin Kokale, and why do the people still sing songs about him.

The gentle part of the Ilinden's uprising

Women were fighting as well, they didn't play games

Third Velenovela about the biggest women heroes from our history. Women in Ilinden uprising deserve a special Velenovela. Let's go.

Let me go mom, to be a partisan

Macedonian people's heroes

Besides women hajduks, we have women partisans. We are a serious country. Let's see who are the heroes from WW2.

Outlaw queens of the mountain

Heroines of the 19th century

Two girls with a rifle on their shoulders against the bad guys. We do have such stories. Velenovela will introduce you to Sirma and Rumena vojvoda.

United in stubbornness

The core of our character

I think that only one characteristic is identical for every Macedonian - stubbornness. And there is nothing to do about it. Today, in Velenovela, we are going to be stubborn. 

Is it a wedding, or the Oscars?

Tradition vs the modern times

Is it possible to make a wedding without piroshka? Or the traditions are so old, that we need new ones. Velenovela will discuss the modern weddings.

Rome papacy or Avignon papacy?

Who is the true pope?

Pope and Vatican, like burek and yogurt. You can't separate the two. Still, it was a little bit different in 14th century. Velenovela will explain to you where did the Pope lived in 14th century. 

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