Special March 8 edition of Labyrinth.
We visited the Ilinden barracks where we spoke with members of the Tiger Special Anti-Terrorist Unit.
These women are breaking the barriers that the security sector is a man's job.
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Амбасадорот Ѓукиќ со позитивни прогнози за балканските држави
Kravchuk: Our goal is for Putin to understand that we will not be a "gray zone" between NATO and Russia
Interview with the Ukrainian MP Yevheniia Kravchuk, who was also an observer of the elections in the United States
How and will the Victory Plan of the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, be implemented? What does Trump's return to the Oval Office mean for Ukraine? We talk about these topics with the Ukrainian MP, Yevheniia Kravchuk, who was also an observer of the elections in the United States. The MP firmly believes in Ukraine's victory and says that her country has worked hard to produce its own weapons in the past three years, but she still expects the allies to continue supporting Ukraine. We also discussed Ukraine's desire to join NATO, as well as possible high-level negotiations and possible participation of the Russian Presiden,t Vladimir Putin in the next peace conference.
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Elections or just a voting process?
Српската опозиција бара помош од ЕУ, а Русите ја напуштаат државата за да се спасат од мобилизација.