

Be informed

Syria freed from dictator, but terrorism is still a threat

Interview with war reporter Bud Wichers

After 13 years of civil war, the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria has fallen almost without a fight. The rebel HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) has taken power and is trying to make a peaceful transition. In the meantime, the US, Israel and Turkey are bombing places that are strongholds of ISIS, the Kurdish party or places that are suspected of having remnants of chemical weapons used by Assad. In this episode, we talk to war reporter Bud Wichers from the Netherlands who has been reporting from Syria since the very beginning of the uprising in 2011. Wichers has extensive experience reporting from the Middle East, and in Syria he reported from the biggest hot spots and was in contact with almost all the factions fighting in Syria. He says it is good that the regime has finally fallen, but he is still suspicious of possible terrorist hot spots, that is, he suspects that HTS has severed all ties with its previous “umbrella” Al Nusra Front, which was practically the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda.
огранок на Ал Каеда.

Tencions in Serbia: Citizens do not give up – the government does not give in

Interview with the MP, Srdjan Milivojevic

Tensions and protests in Serbia are not subsiding. Citizens are not giving up on demanding responsibility for the accident in which 15 people lost their lives. In the meantime, the government is arresting protesters, and the opposition is trying to get them out of custody. Students from almost all faculties across Serbia have also started blockades. We talk about this and the opposition's future steps with the MP from the Democratic Party, Srdjan Milivojevic.

Watch the full interview.

France is dealing with the new political situation – Serbia is on its feet after the terrible accident in Novi Sad

Анализа на состојбите во Франција и Грузија по изборите и сведоштво од протестите
во Србија

After the elections in France, a new momentum took place in French politics. The coalition is on glass legs, and new elections are possible only after a year - explains in Labyrinth, the political advisor from the ranks of Macron's party, Mathias Vasquez. Vasquez was also part of the observation mission of the elections in Georgia and gives us more detailed information about the irregularities in the implementation of the elections, which resulted in mass protests.

The young director Leonid Velkovski, who is currently studying in Novi Sad, is also a guest in Labyrinth, and he conveys to us the atmosphere of the mass protests that took place there after the terrible accident at the railway station in which 14 people died.

Watch the full episode.

French revolution with Iceland's taste

The volcano that changed the world

Дали е можно дека ерупција на вулкан ја предизвикал француската револуција? Ни јас не верував. Веленовела денес се качува по вулканите на револуцијата.

In the new studio of IDMedia we will hear about the upcoming innovations and the stories from the world of technology

We review everything that was part of the content of the show in the past weeks while preparing for the new concept.

Innovations and artificial intelligence will continue to be the focus of the show and in the new studio from where Infotek will realize its episodes. We remain committed to life-changing stories influenced by technological developments, here to follow this and every future innovation revolution. 

Our guest on this edition is the well-known Viktor Velevski, your host in Velenovela, to whom we talked about the news coming to IDMedia and what you will see in Velenovela in the future.

Discover a new story, every angle of technology in Infotek on IDMedia!

Trump returns to the Oval Office – Will he stop the wars as he promised?

The Americans have spoken - a triple victory for the Republicans.

The Americans have declared, they are returning Trump to the White House. Labyrinth with appearances from Tampa, Florida and Cincinnati, Ohio analyzed how the new President came to this victory and how that election will affect global geopolitics. Jalyssa Dugrot, a journalist from Florida reports about the atmosphere there. We analyze Trump's future steps on the world political stage with Professor Ivan Dinev from the University of Cincinnati.

Watch the full episode.

Gjurchin Kokale - the Starman from Lazaropole

The biggest defender of the Mijak's region

This episode speaks about the biggest hotshot from my village. Watch Velenovela, and find out who is Gjurchin Kokale, and why do the people still sing songs about him.

The love for a profession still shines with the same light after 30 years on the stage of the Macedonian Opera and Ballet

A story about a life dedicated to the light art and stage performance

Инспиративна приказна за кариера посветена на сценската уметност, посветеноста на професијата и интересните моменти кои фрлаат уникатен зрак светлина врз нештата кои го прават животот опера со најразлични чина Во емисијата гостува Милчо Александров, професионалец со повеќе од три децении искуство во областа на светло-сценската уметност во Македонската опера и балет. Откријте нова приказна, секој агол на технологијата во Инфотек на IDMedia!



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