Trump Takes Office – Optimism for Lasting Peace grows in Gaza
Reports from the US and Gaza
Donald Trump officially takes office as President of the US. The inauguration ended with the sensational signing of numerous decisions that have international implications. One of them is the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement. From the US, we include reporter Jallysa Dugrot with an analysis of Trump's inauguration day.
In Gaza, meanwhile, the ceasefire is being celebrated and hopes for a lasting peace are growing. Humanitarian aid has begun to arrive in the strip, and the first hostages have already been exchanged. The second exchange is expected to take place this weekend. Journalist Rakan Abed El Rahman joins us from central Gaza, with whom we discuss the situation there after the long-sought ceasefire.
Transitional justice and the Hague cases
In the second episode of the “Balkan Perspective” podcast, we discuss the role of international courts in restoring peace in the Balkans after the conflicts of the 1990s. What impact have these institutions had in addressing war crimes and building trust among citizens? Are these courts perceived as a mechanism of justice by the affected communities?
Special attention is given to North Macedonia, analyzing the level of peace and inter-ethnic relations following the 2001 conflict. Our guest is Imer Selmani, a prominent political figure who has held significant positions throughout his career and has been a witness to key developments in the country.
What is Transitional Justice?
In the first episode of our new podcast series, Balkan Perspectives, we talk about Transitional Justice, what does it mean, and how have countries in the Balkans dealt with it? Why don’t we learn about it as a subject in schools, even though it’s so important? To answer these questions, we talked to University Professor Blagoj Conev, who explains the basics of Transitional Justice and why it is important for our region.
Syria freed from dictator, but terrorism is still a threat
Interview with war reporter Bud Wichers
After 13 years of civil war, the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria has fallen almost without a fight. The
rebel HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) has taken power and is trying to make a peaceful transition. In the
meantime, the US, Israel and Turkey are bombing places that are strongholds of ISIS, the Kurdish party
or places that are suspected of having remnants of chemical weapons used by Assad. In this episode, we
talk to war reporter Bud Wichers from the Netherlands who has been reporting from Syria since the
very beginning of the uprising in 2011. Wichers has extensive experience reporting from the Middle
East, and in Syria he reported from the biggest hot spots and was in contact with almost all the factions
fighting in Syria. He says it is good that the regime has finally fallen, but he is still suspicious of possible
terrorist hot spots, that is, he suspects that HTS has severed all ties with its previous “umbrella” Al Nusra
Front, which was practically the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda.
огранок на Ал Каеда.
Tencions in Serbia: Citizens do not give up – the government does not give in
Interview with the MP, Srdjan Milivojevic
Tensions and protests in Serbia are not subsiding. Citizens are not giving up on demanding responsibility for the accident in which 15 people lost their lives. In the meantime, the government is arresting protesters, and the opposition is trying to get them out of custody. Students from almost all faculties across Serbia have also started blockades. We talk about this and the opposition's future steps with the MP from the Democratic Party, Srdjan Milivojevic.
Watch the full interview.
Macedonian radio and TV - One of the first on the Balkans
Pioneers in technology
Color signal in Skopje, befor Belgrade. Champions move. In the meanwhile they have got better than us, but it is what it is. Velenovela for the beginnings of MRTV.
Shekerinska appointed as NATO's second-in-command - What does that mean for the country?
Интервју со безбедносниот експерт и поранешен советник во министерството за одбрана, Емир
Former Defense Minister, Radmila Sekerinska has been appointed Deputy Secretary General of NATO, making her the first Macedonian woman to hold a high position in the world’s most powerful military alliance. Sekerinska was at the helm of the ministry at the very moment when NATO accession took place, and her appointment can only be positive for our country – believes security expert and former advisor to the Ministry of Defense, Emir Hasanovic. We also discussed future expectations from the Alliance, as well as current European and global security issues.
Watch the full interview.
Премиера на концептуалниот театарски перформанс „Супер Марио живее У Скопје“
Во понеделник, на 18.11 во Театар на сенки и облаци ќе се оддржи премиерата на концептуалниот театарски перформанс “Супер Марио живее у Скопје”.
Краткото театарско парче кое е наменето за деца и младинци ги обработува меѓучовечките односи преку мотиви на ликовите од култната видео игра Супер Марио. Автор на репликите и концептот е Никола Кузелов, но актерите сепак голем дел од својата игра ќе ја базираат на импровизации и комуникација со гледачите. Во театарскиот перформанс ќе учествуваат Ања Митиќ, Никола Кузелов, Нела Павловска и Виктор Велевски. Авторите велат дека иако станува збор за тетар наменет за помладите, сепак добродојдена е публика од сите возрасти бидејќи перформансот обработува теми важни се секоја индивидуа. Проектот е финансиран од Министерството за култура и туризам на Северна Македонија.