Interview with the war reporter Jan Jessen
The guest in this edition of Labyrinth is the war reporter from Germany, Jan Jessen, who is constantly on the Ukraine-Middle East route. Jessen has just returned from Ukraine and says the exhaustion from the two-year war is already clearly visible. According to him, the lack of weapons is the reason why the Russians conquered Avdiivka. As for Navalny's death, Јessen interprets it as a message to the Russian people.
We also discussed the situation in the European Union and its attempts to reach a single position when it comes to military hotspots and the imposition of sanctions. This year there are also elections in the Union, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who comes from Germany, will run for a second term at the head of the Commission. Jan answers the question: Does von der Leyen have the support of the Germans and how they see the European elections.
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Syria freed from dictator, but terrorism is still a threat
Interview with war reporter Bud Wichers
After 13 years of civil war, the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria has fallen almost without a fight. The rebel HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) has taken power and is trying to make a peaceful transition. In the meantime, the US, Israel and Turkey are bombing places that are strongholds of ISIS, the Kurdish party or places that are suspected of having remnants of chemical weapons used by Assad. In this episode, we talk to war reporter Bud Wichers from the Netherlands who has been reporting from Syria since the very beginning of the uprising in 2011. Wichers has extensive experience reporting from the Middle East, and in Syria he reported from the biggest hot spots and was in contact with almost all the factions fighting in Syria. He says it is good that the regime has finally fallen, but he is still suspicious of possible terrorist hot spots, that is, he suspects that HTS has severed all ties with its previous “umbrella” Al Nusra Front, which was practically the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda.
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