The arrest of the ex-President Meta, the migrant camps and the EU path of Albania in the focus of this Labyrinth.
Albania started a fierce fight against corruption - this is how Albanian citizens see the arrest of the former President, Ilir Meta. With colleague Arber Hitaj from Report TV from Tirana, we discuss the arrest and trust in the Special Prosecutor's Office. Topics of conversation were the migrant camp, as well as European integration, that is, the unblocked road for Albania and the Balkan tour of the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, which started right from Tirana.
After Tirana, Von der Leyen visited Skopje. From the Government, she assured the citizens that expansion remains the focus of the European agenda. Neither the President Von der Leyen, nor Prime Minister Mickoski gave a concrete answer to the question of whether the proposal for delayed implementation of the possible constitutional amendments is acceptable to the EU.
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