Children in Gaza are dying of malnutrition - Humanitarians are literally giving their lives to help

Interviews with the UN High Representative for Gaza, Jamie McGoldrick, and the Red Cross Representative in Raffah, Hisham Mhana

The situation of civilians in Gaza is more than alarming. Journalists are not allowed to enter the Belt, so only the locals who are often without electricity and internet and the humanitarians who stay there to help, can give us some kind of picture and accurate information about what is happening there.
The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Palestine, Jamie McGoldrick told us in the condition of the babies in the hospital in Gaza and the efforts they are making to provide new routes for the humanitarian cordons, as well as the efforts to build pipelines to completely solve the problem of lack of water.
In Labyrinth we also include the representative of the Red Cross from Rafah, Southern Gaza, Hisham Mhana with whom we spoke about their humanitarian actions inside Gaza, about the attempts to reunite evacuated children with their parents and the conditions in which more than a million people live at the moment.


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