Children in Gaza are dying of malnutrition - Humanitarians are literally giving their lives to help

Интервјуа со Високиот претставник на ОН за Газа, Џејми Голдрик и со претставник на Цевениот Крст во Рафа, Хишам Мхана

Increased efforts to resolve the issues in Kosovo and BiH

Kosovo will enter the Council of Europe, BiH received the green light from the EC

The members of TIGER inspiration for many girls

Special March 8 edition of Labyrinth.

We visited the Ilinden barracks where we spoke with members of the Tiger Special Anti-Terrorist Unit.
These women are breaking the barriers that the security sector is a man's job.

As long as there are quotas and the need for special laws, we do not have gender equality

Women in the private security sector

In the first March edition of Labyrinth, we talk about women in the private security sector with the Secretary General of the Chamber of Private Security, Sanja Kermetchieva. Similar to the state, in the private security sector only 10% of the employees are women. As long as we talk about quotas, as long as we count how many women are in certain positions, regardless of whether it is in the highest state positions, whether it is a position of women managers, whether they are in rectors, in dean's administrations and so on, in any which position or in specific jobs in security, how many women are police officers, how many in private security, how many are soldiers...
Until then and while we are talking about this and while there is a need for special conventions, special laws and policies in companies, we are facing with gender inequality.

Балканот ја потврди поддршката за Украина – Заканата од прелевање на жариштата се зголемува

Анализа со новинарот Сеад Ризвановиќ и репортажа од посетата на Зеленски самитот
во Тирана

Кандидатите кои беа против војната беа елиминирани од руската претседателска трка

Иванец за борбата за граѓаните и драконските закони на Путин

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