
Three Years of War – Will Ukraine Give Up Rare Earth Minerals to End the War?

Pressure is Growing for Negotiations

It's been exactly three years since the start of the war in Ukraine. After US President Donald Trump came to power, US support for Ukraine has completely changed and the pressure to start peace talks has increased. We talk to Olena Halushka from Kiev, co-founder of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory, about whether Ukrainians are ready to give up rare minerals and meet Trump's demands, as well as about public opinion in Ukraine about the pressure from the US.

Shchedrik – For the world it is a Christmas song, for Ukrainians it is a battle for freedom

This Christmas we bring you the story of the most popular Christmas song of all time – Shchedrik or as the world knows it, Carol of the bells. The Ukrainian song that conquered the world was composed by the legendary composer Mykola Leontovich, and for Ukrainians it is not just an ordinary song, but also a struggle for freedom, language and identity. It was first performed in the distant 1916, and just three years later it conquered the European and American continents, to today become the song that warms hearts all over the world during the Christmas holidays.

Take a look at the story of the song with a very rich history, which for Ukrainians has become a symbol of the struggle for freedom.

Women Leaders for the Reconstruction of Ukraine – Students for Justice in Serbia

Report from Kiev and a conversation about Serbian student blockades

Ukrainians will welcome the third New Year with war. The situation on the fronts has little chance of changing without a political solution, but therefore the activities for making plans for the reconstruction of the country in the post-war period are becoming more prominent. From Ukraine, we include Iryna Drobovych, founder of the The Day After Foundation, with whom we discuss the need to plan and inspire the reconstruction of Ukraine in advance.

In Serbia, however, the protests became massive after students from all faculties went on a blockade. They received support from professors, and after them the High School Students' Union also started to block. Our film director Leonid Velkovski, who studies at the Novi Sad Faculty, is also a guest in today's edition of Labyrinth. We discuss the activities and demands of Serbian students.

Kravchuk: Our goal is for Putin to understand that we will not be a "gray zone" between NATO and Russia

Interview with the Ukrainian MP Yevheniia Kravchuk, who was also an observer of the elections in the United States

How and will the Victory Plan of the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, be implemented? What does Trump's return to the Oval Office mean for Ukraine? We talk about these topics with the Ukrainian MP, Yevheniia Kravchuk, who was also an observer of the elections in the United States. The MP firmly believes in Ukraine's victory and says that her country has worked hard to produce its own weapons in the past three years, but she still expects the allies to continue supporting Ukraine. We also discussed Ukraine's desire to join NATO, as well as possible high-level negotiations and possible participation of the Russian Presiden,t Vladimir Putin in the next peace conference.

We all met the person detained for attempted assassination in Kyiv two years ago

The man who was walking around Kyiv branded in the colors of his country, went against it

Everyone who was in Kiev in the summer of 2022 inevitably met the person detained for the attempted assassination of the United States presidential candidate, Donald Trump. Among them is the author of Labyrinth, Kristina Atovska.

In this edition, we include the humanitarian from Germany, Christian Lutz, and the journalist from Italy, Cristina Brondoni, who also met the man in the center of Kyiv. 

France with a challenge to form a Government - NATO with new Declarations

Reporting from Washington and Analysis from Paris

The largest military alliance marked the 75th anniversary of its existence with a Summit whose focus is the war on European soil. The leaders of the member states gathered in the American capital to confirm the commitment to help Ukraine. Some of them used the margins of the Summit for meetings related to bilateral issues. A meeting between the Macedonian and Greek Prime Ministers did not take place, and journalists behind the scenes say that there was no interest on the part of the major powers to discuss such issues within the framework of the Summit. From the press room in Washington, we include Romanian military reporter and senior political correspondent Cristina Cileacu. In addition to the fact that the Alliance confirmed the commitments to help Ukraine, Cileacu also informed us about the other agreed strategic determinations, such as declaring China a country enabling Russian aggression. We asked Chileaku tofollow up the meetings of the Macedonian Prime Minister.

From the French capital, on the other hand, we are talking with an advisor in the French Assembly on topics related to the great upheaval that occurred during the elections. Councilor Matthias Vasquez from the ranks of Macron's party talks about the mood of the voters and the actions of the parties that led to this turn. At the moment, the main challenge facing France is the election of a prime minister, which the winning coalition seems to be having difficulty electing. Vasquez is a good expert on the Macedonian and Balkan situations, given the fact that he was previously on missions in these countries, so we used this call to ask him for his opinion on the French proposal that was imposed after the Bulgarian veto announcements.

Watch the entire show.

Шпанците со поддршка за признавање на Палестина, но се исплашени од внатрешнитеосцилации на крајната десница

Does Spain fear a far right blockade to their progressive aspirations?

Spain is one of the countries that recognized Palestine. In its capital, European far right had the biggest summit ahead of the upcoming European elections. These are the subjects that we discussed with the journalist Roger Persiva from Madrid, who explained the situation in Spain into detail as well as the position of the Spanish government.

The second guest in Labyrinth is the political scientist and researcher Sonya Stojadinovic. We discussed the active wars, as well as Stojadinovic’s researches regarding Chinese investments and loans on the Balkans and in Europe.

Балканот ја потврди поддршката за Украина – Заканата од прелевање на жариштата се зголемува

Анализа со новинарот Сеад Ризвановиќ и репортажа од посетата на Зеленски самитот
во Тирана

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