The challenges before the European Union in the post-covid era

Analysis of the developments in Europe in the face of military conflicts, economic problems and social post-covid consolidation.

The Ervopeum forum, which was organized by the Institute for European Politics, gave an overview of the current situation with the mechanisms for the rule of law in the EU and the mechanism for the growth of the union, within which the progress of many aspirants on the way to the EU was considered when it comes to governance of law.

Such events have for the overall promotion of the reforms that even more candidates can undertake before the membership, making the forces candidates for implementing reforms with the aim of Europeanizing the social-institutional environment in these countries.

The road to the Union is paved with the successfully implemented reform, but is Macedonia on the road to the EU? 

Can Macedonia defeat corruption, which is the main problem of the state when it comes to Europeanization? 

How to free the judiciary from the chain of political and business entrapment - Laws are in powers, but how are they implemented?

Watch the new edition of Labyrinth and find out what's next in the battle for EU membership, where Macedonia is on the map and will the right path to integration emerge? Our guest in this issue is Beba Žagar from the Institute for European Politics.

Шпанците со поддршка за признавање на Палестина, но се исплашени од внатрешнитеосцилации на крајната десница

Does Spain fear a far right blockade to their progressive aspirations?

Spain is one of the countries that recognized Palestine. In its capital, European far right had the biggest summit ahead of the upcoming European elections. These are the subjects that we discussed with the journalist Roger Persiva from Madrid, who explained the situation in Spain into detail as well as the position of the Spanish government.

The second guest in Labyrinth is the political scientist and researcher Sonya Stojadinovic. We discussed the active wars, as well as Stojadinovic’s researches regarding Chinese investments and loans on the Balkans and in Europe.

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