
EU residents vote for their future - the Balkans remain in the waiting list

What course will the new political setup in the EU take?

Macedonia's neighbors are again using the country for internal political purposes, the European Union is in an election process that has greatly divided the residents of the Union, even greater challenges await the new European set-up, military hotspots are still part of the world - we talk about these topics in Labyrinth with the political scientist Viktor Jakimovski.

Шпанците со поддршка за признавање на Палестина, но се исплашени од внатрешнитеосцилации на крајната десница

Does Spain fear a far right blockade to their progressive aspirations?

Spain is one of the countries that recognized Palestine. In its capital, European far right had the biggest summit ahead of the upcoming European elections. These are the subjects that we discussed with the journalist Roger Persiva from Madrid, who explained the situation in Spain into detail as well as the position of the Spanish government.

The second guest in Labyrinth is the political scientist and researcher Sonya Stojadinovic. We discussed the active wars, as well as Stojadinovic’s researches regarding Chinese investments and loans on the Balkans and in Europe.

Increased efforts to resolve the issues in Kosovo and BiH

Kosovo will enter the Council of Europe, BiH received the green light from the EC

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