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Pyramid schemes reign in Macedonia, is it possible to recover the lost money from Conti?

Someone will have to be convicted if there is a will to reduce pyramid and ponzi scams

Pyramid schemes spring up like mushrooms after rain in Macedoni. How the latest in a series of frauds, Konti, took the money of tens of thousands of citizens and how can they be returned?
Education in the economic and legal sphere is seen as the most effective weapon in the fight against such and similar frauds.
Lawyer Janaki Mitrovski is a guest in the show, with a review of the legal aspect of the story.

Is the EU changing course on migration and enlargement policy?

Berlin Process – 10 years later

The leaders from the Western Balkans together with their European colleagues marked 10 years since the Berlin Process. In the past decade, not a single Balkan country has achieved its goal of becoming part of the European family. We talk with our colleague Aleksandar Metodijev about the future of the Union, the change in the course of migration and enlargement policy, as well as the role of Germany on the continent.

Watch the full episode.

Outlaw queens of the mountain

Heroines of the 19th century

Two girls with a rifle on their shoulders against the bad guys. We do have such stories. Velenovela will introduce you to Sirma and Rumena vojvoda.

The bionic arm developed by Macedonian innovators will change the world of people with disabilities

The new bionic hand from Macedonian innovators, which will shake up the market of medical devices, will soon be on sale.

The first bionic hand, which has the potential to revolutionize the world of people with disabilities, was made precisely by a group of young innovators from Macedonia.

This innovation, which is in the final stages before being put on sale for the masses, will bring changes in the everyday life of people without limbs. But not only in a functional sense, the hand of eBionics is expected to bring changes in the market situation in this sphere, bringing with it a several times lower selling price than the solutions available on the market so far.

Orhan Bagashov, innovator and creator of the first bionic hand in Macedonia and founder of eBionics, a company for manufacturing aids for people with disabilities, is a guest on the show.

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People in Beirut sleep on streets and beaches because buildings are targeted

An interview with award-winning humanitarian from Beirut, Marina El Khawand

The war in the Middle East is heating up. After the attacks carried out by Iran on Israel, Israel began a heavy bombing of its Hezbollah proxy in Lebanon and continued heavy attacks on the Gaza Strip. In this Labyrinth, we talk to award-winning humanitarian and fighter for equal and free access to medical care, Marina El Khawand.

We discussed the current situation in Lebanon with refugees and people receiving evacuation orders in the middle of the night, the basic needs of water, food and medicine, as well as the role Hezbollah plays in Lebanese society.

Watch the full episode.

United in stubbornness

The core of our character

I think that only one characteristic is identical for every Macedonian - stubbornness. And there is nothing to do about it. Today, in Velenovela, we are going to be stubborn. 

Infotek Special from the Artificial Intelligence Summit in Skopje

We spoke with the front men of leading hi-tech companies like Google and Microsoft on the future of AI Technology

Special edition from the Artificial Intelligence Summit in #Skopje and exclusive interviews with top people from global companies whose technology is changing our world! We spoke with the leaders of Google, Microsoft, Freepik and other frontmens of Artificial Intelligence Research an Development departments!

Лавиринт ја проследи конститутивната седница ЕУ-МК во Европскиот Парлмент 

Лавиринт ја проследи конститутивната седница ЕУ-МК во Европскиот Парлмент кој сега има ново парламентарно мнозинство.

За претседаравач беше избран Карло Реслер од хрватската ХДЗ која е член на мнозинската парламентарна група на Европската Народна Партија. Тој во изјава за Лавиринт вели дека е поддржувач на нашиот евроинтегративен пат и дека Парламентот ќе се обиде да одигра конструктивна улога во надминување на проблемите.

Is it a wedding, or the Oscars?

Tradition vs the modern times

Is it possible to make a wedding without piroshka? Or the traditions are so old, that we need new ones. Velenovela will discuss the modern weddings.

Трет мрежен мобилен оператор во Македонија – не е прашање дали туку кога?

Анализа на телекомуникацискиот пазар и медиумската сфера воочи најавениот влез на унгарски 4иГ

Македонија останува во друштво со Албанија и Косово со само два мобилни мрежни оператори, но додека ситуацијата во Албанија наскоро би можела да се промени – овде во 🇲🇰 потребата од трет оператор да влезе во оваа сфера не е само препорака од Европската комисија.

Анализа на состојбите во телекомуникациската сфера и медиумите, каде сме со технолошкиот напредок на ова поле?

Поглавје 10 од Извештајот за напредок на Унијата и напредокот на Македонија во пристапниот процес.

📲 Во емисијата со Стефан Јевтиќ од Институтот за развој на електронски комуникации – ИНДЕЦИМ зборуваме и за пазарниот дуопол и пазарните цени на договарање меѓу операторите.

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