Legal analysis of the decision of the International Criminal Court and the proceedings in front of the Macedonian courts.
The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his defense minister and three Hamas leaders. What this means, who would arrest Netanyahu, and where he is safe from criminal prosecution, we talk to lawyer Yasmin Kalach. Kalach does not believe that the Israeli prime minister would travel to countries that are signatories to the Rome Statute to avoid being detained. Israel's argument that this decision equates both sides is untenable, the lawyer believes, and says that the court made such a decision because it is not selective. Meanwhile, Spain, Ireland and Norway have recognized the Palestinian state.
We also discussed the two legal processes currently underway in Macedonia: the detention of Supreme Judge Georgiev for taking a bribe, as well as the extradition of the double murder suspect Palco and the start of his trial. Watch the full analysis.
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