Kalach: It is unlikely that Netanyahu will be arrested

Legal analysis of the decision of the International Criminal Court and the proceedings in front of the Macedonian courts.

The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his defense minister and three Hamas leaders. What this means, who would arrest Netanyahu, and where he is safe from criminal prosecution, we talk to lawyer Yasmin Kalach. Kalach does not believe that the Israeli prime minister would travel to countries that are signatories to the Rome Statute to avoid being detained. Israel's argument that this decision equates both sides is untenable, the lawyer believes, and says that the court made such a decision because it is not selective. Meanwhile, Spain, Ireland and Norway have recognized the Palestinian state.

We also discussed the two legal processes currently underway in Macedonia: the detention of Supreme Judge Georgiev for taking a bribe, as well as the extradition of the double murder suspect Palco and the start of his trial. Watch the full analysis.

Macedonia got a new President - Eastern European countries are fighting for democracy

Analysis of Macedonian diplomacy, Callings from Georgia and Ukraine on the situation with the protests and the war.

The first guest in this edition of Labyrinth is the former Ambassador of Macedonia to Sweden and Romania, Tihomir Ilievski. We talked about the oath taken by the new President and the reactions it caused among our neighbors. Despite the reactions and difficulties in bilateral relations, the diplomat is still optimistic about the European integration of Macedonia, as well as about the normalization of relations in the entire Balkans.

In Georgia, massive civil protests are taking place over the law on "foreign agents" which moves the country away from the European path, but also seriously threatens the livelihood and freedom of Georgian citizens. From Tbilisi, we were joined by Ekaterine Basilaia - director of the Center for Media and Social Research of Georgia, who explained in more detail what this law is and why so many people took to the streets. We discussed the use of excessive force by the police in arresting peaceful protesters and the legal fight to protect those detained.

In Labyrinth, we also included the volunteer in the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces, Volodymyr Sapekhin. Volodymyr has been going to the fronts and back for more than two years. We talked about the current situation on the fronts, about the progress of Russian forces in the Kharkiv region, but also about his personal feelings about the two realities he lives in.

Brondoni on the RAI journalists' strike: We are not used to censorship

Interview with the Italian journalist and writer, Cristina Brondoni

The guest in this edition of Labyrinth is the journalist and writer from Italy, Cristina Brondoni. We discussed the policy of the Italian Government towards the EU enlargement policy, the support of Ukraine, as well as the interest of the Italians in the upcoming elections of the Union. Brondoni says that the Government of Meloni has maintained the policy of support for Ukraine and support for the enlargement of the Union, especially for the entry of Albania, given the friendly relations of Prime Minister Meloni with Prime Minister Rama. As for the upcoming European elections, Brondoni says that the political parties in Italy are more interested in them than the people who think that domestic problems are more important. We also talked about the media in Italy, the strike of public service journalists for censorship by Meloni's Government, as well as its structure.

Diplomatic analysis of military hotspots and open issues in the Balkans

Амбасадорот Ѓукиќ со позитивни прогнози за балканските држави

Reporting from Gaza and analysis of global political military decisions

A look at the situation in Gaza and the political moves on the global chessboard

Simulation of polygraph testing and Eye Detect – What tricks did the polygraphists face?

Се што треба да знаете за полиграфот.

Six months without information about her son – A conversation with the mother of the kidnapped Alon

Идит Охел: Од видео на Хамас видов дека мојот син е киднапиран, а неговите другари убиени.

Children in Gaza are dying of malnutrition - Humanitarians are literally giving their lives to help

Интервјуа со Високиот претставник на ОН за Газа, Џејми Голдрик и со претставник на Цевениот Крст во Рафа, Хишам Мхана

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