Interview with the Italian journalist and writer, Cristina Brondoni
The guest in this edition of Labyrinth is the journalist and writer from Italy, Cristina Brondoni. We discussed the policy of the Italian Government towards the EU enlargement policy, the support of Ukraine, as well as the interest of the Italians in the upcoming elections of the Union. Brondoni says that the Government of Meloni has maintained the policy of support for Ukraine and support for the enlargement of the Union, especially for the entry of Albania, given the friendly relations of Prime Minister Meloni with Prime Minister Rama. As for the upcoming European elections, Brondoni says that the political parties in Italy are more interested in them than the people who think that domestic problems are more important. We also talked about the media in Italy, the strike of public service journalists for censorship by Meloni's Government, as well as its structure.
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Dolidze: Georgians are not giving up on the fight for a European future – There will be protests even during the holidays
Georgians will welcome the New Year with protests and will not give up on their European future – says the Leader of the For the People party, Anna Dolidze. Dolidze is an expert in international law, until 2018 she was the legal advisor to the President, and then a member of the Judicial Council.
In Labyrinth we talked about the stolen elections and the Russian hybrid influence that managed to divert the country from the European integration path. The protests escalated, and the use of water cannons and violence by the police did not change the Georgians’ minds to continue fighting for their rights. About 500 protesters, including some injured, will spend the holidays in detention. We also discussed with Dolidze the international support and the sanctions imposed by the US and the UK on some of the Georgian authorities, but not by the European Union.
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Women Leaders for the Reconstruction of Ukraine – Students for Justice in Serbia
Report from Kiev and a conversation about Serbian student blockades
Ukrainians will welcome the third New Year with war. The situation on the fronts has little chance of changing without a political solution, but therefore the activities for making plans for the reconstruction of the country in the post-war period are becoming more prominent. From Ukraine, we include Iryna Drobovych, founder of the The Day After Foundation, with whom we discuss the need to plan and inspire the reconstruction of Ukraine in advance.
In Serbia, however, the protests became massive after students from all faculties went on a blockade. They received support from professors, and after them the High School Students' Union also started to block. Our film director Leonid Velkovski, who studies at the Novi Sad Faculty, is also a guest in today's edition of Labyrinth. We discuss the activities and demands of Serbian students.
Post Views: 175