Filtering Tag: Slider

Camera set, action!

We have Oscar worth movies

Brondoni on the RAI journalists' strike: We are not used to censorship

Interview with the Italian journalist and writer, Cristina Brondoni

The guest in this edition of Labyrinth is the journalist and writer from Italy, Cristina Brondoni. We discussed the policy of the Italian Government towards the EU enlargement policy, the support of Ukraine, as well as the interest of the Italians in the upcoming elections of the Union. Brondoni says that the Government of Meloni has maintained the policy of support for Ukraine and support for the enlargement of the Union, especially for the entry of Albania, given the friendly relations of Prime Minister Meloni with Prime Minister Rama. As for the upcoming European elections, Brondoni says that the political parties in Italy are more interested in them than the people who think that domestic problems are more important. We also talked about the media in Italy, the strike of public service journalists for censorship by Meloni's Government, as well as its structure.

Velenovela for First of May

Don't you burn the meat!

Diplomatic analysis of military hotspots and open issues in the Balkans

Амбасадорот Ѓукиќ со позитивни прогнози за балканските држави

You can shoot from there as much as you want

Who was the first one to roll a ball around in Macedonia?

Reporting from Gaza and analysis of global political military decisions

A look at the situation in Gaza and the political moves on the global chessboard

Simulation of polygraph testing and Eye Detect – What tricks did the polygraphists face?

Се што треба да знаете за полиграфот.

Will we be rolling at HEMP FEST this year?

We talk with Janaki, one of the founders of Bilka, the organization behind HEMP FEST. It will explain what, how, where, why and who.

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